We had a new addition to our little farm today. One of our angora goats had her kid. Of course it's another boy, because that's all we ever get! When Joe found him, he had wandered out of his mom's stall, and was hanging out with one of the Jersey Cows. The mom's teats were really swollen, and the kids was acting really hungry. This goat was the only one Joe didn't shear in the fall, so we think he wasn't able to access the milk very well. So we went up there, and sheared her belly and backside. Now she looks really funny with long hair in the front, and a shaved behind. Then, we helped the little kid drink milk, while holding the momma down, because she didn't seem to want to do it. Hopefully they'll figure out how to do it, so we won't have to hold her down several times a day.

This seems like a good time to do an animal count update
5 cows
7 goats
1 pig
1 dog
3 cats
20 chickens
1 semi-wild bunny
Winter's bunny that she got from her birthday, was hanging out with the chickens for a while. But then he found some bunny friends, and has been running loose ever since. He's turned half wild. We used to be able to walk right up to him and pick him up, but now he won't let us come within 6 feet of him. The cool thing is that he does still hang out in our yard.
That is just so neat! Good luck with the feeding :)
what a cute lil fuzzy goat!makes me miss the days of 4-H when we raised lambs. we had 3 or 4 ewes that we would breed and they would be lambing about this time every year. fun stuff.
They will work it out eventually. First time Moms often have slow starts before they figure it out.
so the one you are holding in your arm is the little goat? how cute, looks like a stuff animal!
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