Thursday, July 21, 2011

A snapshot from the past

As I was working on my blurb book (turning my blog into a published book), I found this post from 3 years ago. A few things have changed, but I thought it was interesting how much Ginger has stayed the same.

5 year old Ginger

Ginger loves to wear dresses.

She loves to sing.

She likes to wrap up the dog and carry her around.

She loves her daddy.

Her hair get curly when it gets wet, just like her daddy.

She loves her blanky that grandma Ashurst made for her.

She is good at playing alone.

She loves to dress up, especially with wings.

She has been potty trained for about 3 years, but still tells me every time she has to go.

She does everything the other kids do.

Her and Sterling, and Winter quarrel all day long.

She gives good hugs and loves to kiss on the mouth.

She is not quite as tough as she used to, but still not a sissy.

She doesn't mind getting herself dirty.

She doesn't like me to do her hair. -- a bad development

Every time I tell her "no" she says "why".

Her eyes are as blue as her moms.

She loves to play with barbies.

She loves going to class.

We call her baby - she still is the baby of the family.

She is growing up way too fast!

I Guess kids really do start developing their personalities early on!

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