Tuesday, April 7, 2009


It's all dead..... argggggg


  1. oh no! What a bummer! We planted grass seed in one half of the yard and it's been snowed on like 6 times--so we'll probably doing that over again as well. Spring is so tricky!

  2. Ugghh! So sorry to hear that. If you look on the bright side, maybe you will become quite skilled in garden planting?!

  3. well, maybe i'm not jealous you were able to plant so early after all.... sorry to hear it!

  4. da's heel vervelend en jammer ook van je werk. misschien toch nog te vroeg geplant. hier kun je dit soort planten pas in de grond doen na half mei (IJsheiligen)omdat er tot die tijd toch vaak nog nachtvorst is. ik had verwacht dat dat in Dallas wel mee zou vallen. jij ook dus ! :(
    nou ja, nog maar eens proberen dan.
