Monday, April 6, 2009

Frost = Death

I heard a quick announcement after dancing with the stars was over, mentioning freezing temperatures. The message didn't really sink in, until after I watched the movie Twilight again. I went to to see what the deal was, and found out that there's a freeze warning starting at 3am tonight. Of course a lot of my plants are NOT freeze proof and will die if not protected. So I hauled Joe outside, and started covering up my warm weather plants.

I am very worried though. When I felt some of the squash leafs, they definitely felt hard and frozen. The hose was also stiff, and I got really scared. We finished covering up the veggies, and went back inside. The thermometer next to the house says it's 4o, but I'm sure it's colder out in the field. The weather website insists that it's currently 42, but I'm just not so sure.

I guess I'll know by morning, whether all my work was wasted. If they all die, I will probably fork out another $30, and buy new plants, a spend a few more hours planting them again.....
Or I might just give up and never do a vegetable garden again in my life (just kidding). Realistically, even if they do die, it won't be that much work. The most work was getting all the ground ready, spreading out hay and mulch. But it would still suck!

1 comment:

  1. I hope your plants are OK!

    Some stinker squirrel came along and pulled every bloom off my begonias that I had just planted in a decorative pot! All the blooms are just laying there on the ground all around the stalk now. I could just picture him doing it and laughing at me!
