Monday, December 20, 2021

Where have the last 8 years gone?

Occasionally I’ve looked back at this blog and lamented about the fact that I didn’t keep it up. The last post was 8 years ago, and so much has changed since then. All the kids are in school, Winter and sterling moved out, and I graduated with my masters degree in Tax. And I’m officially no longer a non-working mother… but instead I’m a working mother. We moved to Fort Collins and then to Durango. Instead of giving a whole history I think I’ll just start off as if I never missed a day. The posts I make on Facebook just don’t go into as much detail as I’d like to remember, and my memory is lacking so if it’s not written down, it just is lost forever.  

This is my first season with a season pass to the local ski resort. I have wanted to get one for many years, but I either had little kids at home, or we lived too far from the resorts. Miles and chase also have season passes, and they just learned to ski and picked it up super fast. Demi, our exchange student from Holland also got one, and it’s been a great activity to do together. I just hope Ginger and Joe will join next year. 


My favorite type of skiing is definitely through the trees (as long as it’s not too steep) with some fresh powder. I’d love to learn how to do some jumps and am constantly working on my parallel skiing skills. 

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