Monday, December 17, 2012


When Winter started Timpanogos Intermediate school for 5th grade, she had to pick an instrument for music. Her school has a wonderful music program. Winter picked cello, which is extra fun for me, since my brother Carlo used to play the cello too. Twice a week before school starts, Winter's music teacher Ms Coleman teaches an extra cello class. Winter is really picking it up fast, and is very talented. 

The morning of the Christmas concert, as Winter was carrying her cello out the front door, the case wasn't closed and the cello fell out of the front door onto the concrete steps. The neck broke right off. I almost had a heart attack when seeing it. We were able to borrow another cello from the middle school, but are still waiting on the verdict of cost to repair it. 

 Winter's friend Bryson always helps her carry her cello out to the car when I pick her up after school
Winter with her cello teacher Ms Coleman

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