Friday, October 12, 2012

Opa and Dorothee visit

My dad got remarried about 6 months ago. Dorothee is a very nice lady that he met while on vacation in Germany last year. We were able to meet her just once before moving back to the USA, so it was great to have them here and get to know her better.

They came at one of the nicest times of the year. The weather is beautiful, with sunny days and crisp nights. Also, the leafs are all changing colors and looking magnificent. One day during school we rode the gondola up Canyons resort for a little hike among the yellow aspens. 
 My dad carrying Miles reminded me of back in the day when he would carry my little sister Emma on hikes.
Dark green evergreens really make the yellow aspens pop

 Another day we took the kids into Orem for burgers at In-n-out burgers. And since we were in the neighborhood, we took a little tour of the BYU campus. Strange to think it's been 11 years since I last walked around there as a student!

My dad does mountain biking in Germany, so Joe took my dad out to Dutch Hollows for a bike ride. He did pretty good for a guy his age ;)

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