The mastitis incidence changed up my spring break plans a bit. I was supposed to drive up to Idaho on Monday to visit my sister Wendy, but we postponed that a day and left Tuesday. For some reason my kids' spring break doesn't coincide with anybody elses.
The last time I was in Boise was back in 2007 when we moved to Texas. That's almost 5 years ago! It's hard to believe it's been that long. We lived in Boise for 6 years, so everything is very familiar and almost as if we've never left in the first place. It's been really nice to catch up with Wendy, and to see our children play nicely together (most of the time) building cousin bonds. Wendy's youngest Ryker is just a few months older than Miles, so it's fun to both have cuddly little baby boys.
We haven't done much in terms of activities, but that's just fine with me. The kids played a ton in the backyard, and we went to a fun playground.
And today I'm meeting my other friend Monica at the bounce house. This trip has been the perfect way to get out of the house and catch up with friends and family. Sometimes those are the only 2 criteria to make a successful vacation.
So glad you were able to go but be careful!