We have real internet again, and I'm happy to start out my time on it with this post. Do you ever realize how much a space influences your mood? If it's clean and bright, your spirit becomes happy and bright?
Well, our apartment suffered from "Death by brown". Much of my furniture is brown (wood) including 2 cigar chairs, couch, coffee table, and large chest. These are also not the type of pieces that can/should be painted or slipcovered. In addition to the brown furniture, this apartment came equipped with some not-so-lovely brown paneling. I'm sure it's been here since the 70s. Combine all these brown things with a lack of windows, lights, and an overhang from the upstairs, and you get somewhat of a cave.
After a few hours of painting, I think it's safe to say the new look is a 1000 times better!
I might actually be able to live here for more than 2 months!
You think they'll let me paint the rock wall wood stove mantel next? Ginger thought it was suitable for rock climbing on!
Wow, that does make a big difference. I love white trim. (And thanks for the photos--they look great!)
Wow! That is an amazing difference! Nice work!
love it! and also that the homeowner would let you. did you have to buy your own paint/primer?
now change the green to a lighter and brighter color too and you will feel even better. cant wait to see it in person!!!!
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