Sunday, September 11, 2011

16W 3D

Tonight I definitely felt the baby move. The first time I felt it, I wasn't sure, but then when it happened again a few minutes later, I recognized the dull thump. Funny, but each time I get confirmation of the baby being healthy or even alive, I get emotional and happy all over again. As if I just found out I'm pregnant. And then again, it seems unreal. People might say: "but you've already had 3 kids, how can you have such a hard time believing this baby is really going to come?" My answer to that: "those times I was in total ignorant bliss."

Going to India pregnant, makes me aware to the possible dangers there. I've already gotten HepA and DTP shots, and bought a water purifying system. I've been shopping for mosquito netting and will slather on the deet to protect against malaria. Our visa applications are turned into the Indian Embassy, and mine will be ready for pickup very soon. Joe's on the other hand, will take a few weeks extra, because he has lived in Holland less than a year, and has a foreign passport. It's not until both our visas come back, that we can finalize travel plans.


  1. Those first kicks are extra special! How fun!

  2. So glad all is well with you and baby. Good luck with getting your visa.

  3. Wat leuk te lezen dat je in verwachting bent! Gefeliciteerd! Bijzonder om je kindje te voelen, geniet ervan!

    En succes met de voorbereidingen voor jullie reis naar India.

