Wednesday, March 23, 2011

the other 1%

The follow-up ultrasound was yesterday. I was expecting the worst, and that's exactly what I got. My little bean was the same size as 2 weeks ago (6w1d), but this time without a heartbeat. I'm so sad, yet at the same time strangely disconnected. The last time I would have random crying spells; none so far this time. All I keep thinking about, is whether something with me has changed. I'm a little older, but not old enough to cause these problems. I've had a Mirena IUD, which could potentially cause problems. Or maybe it's just chance. Statistics do say that 25% of clinically proven pregnancies fail. If that's the case, I should be good to go for 3 healthy pregnancies (which is just a tad too many for me). No matter the reason, all I can do is try again, and hope and pray for the best next time.


  1. Lieve jes, Ik vind het echt verschrikkelijk voor je! Hopelijk kan je je gauw weer jezelf voelen en kan je volgende kindje gauw komen. Ik hou zoveel van je en bid elke dag voor je! En zoals je zei; Mirena heeft daar volgens mij wel mee te maken. Na de mijne had ik namelijk ook mijn miskraam maar toen gelijk erna Sadie. Dikke kus en knuffel

  2. So sorry Jessica. You are in my prayers.
