Friday, June 18, 2010

Sewing with grandma

Grandma Benac loves to sew. She sews quilts for a lot of her great grandchildren, which are many. She has made approximately 35 pieced quilts so far. These are special quilts. They are embroidered, and signed with love. Spending the whole week with her, I get to help her cut fabric for the quilts, wind bobbins, iron, and also pick out stitches.... a lot of them.
When I'm not cutting or picking while she sews, I sit across from her at the other desk. I check my email or facebook. That started getting old, so when we headed to the fabric store earlier this week, I got some fabric to make a little birthday present for Ginger's friend Emma. Emma is having a "Princess and the Frog" cooking party tomorrow, which I found the perfect fabric/idea for:Not having my own sewing machine was really limiting my time at the machine, since grandma does sew a lot. And after that little project I definitely had the sewing bug. I decided I really enjoy small projects that don't take up much time. While looking for a pattern for an apron and chef's hat, I stumbled across "Skip to my Lou". She has some wonderful free patterns for cute quick sewing projects (which I used for the apron and hat). When I was browsing her blog, I also found instructions to make lined pouches. I've made lined bags in the past, but never quite knew HOW to do it right. With help from the site I made this cute pouch


  1. Super cute. Hey, I thought you said you were working all week! This looks very similar to playing all week. LOL

  2. You really have got some sewing skills, Jessica! Both of those things look great! And sewing with Grandma sounds like fun.

  3. Great work, very inspiring! I love the fabric for the pouch and Emma will love the hat/apron...

  4. Thanks everyone! the website I got the ideas from is very inspiring. This is for a different Emma... but I"m sure Emma Allred would have liked it too :)

  5. Echt leuk! Fijn dat jullie op deze manier samen iets gezelligs kunnen doen waardoor je werk inderdaad meer "playtime" wordt.

  6. that hat and apron are adorable. sounds like the perfect project to fit into grandma days.

  7. I adore you Jessica and love your projects. Winter is the perfect model.
