Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Julia Child

Julia Child has entered my life. Kelly got the cookbook: "Mastering the art of French cooking" for Christmas. Yesterday we watched the movie "Julia and Julie". What an inspiring movie!

I see similarities between Julie and I, in that I also like to try out new recipes. Quite often, I will hear of a recipe, and look it up online. Or I'll find an exotic ingredient, and then try to find a recipe that calls for that ingredient. The most recent examples include Taai taai, Dutch babies, and French baguettes. Also eggplant, sausage, and ginger root recipes. Sometimes there's total disaster. Other times I tweak the recipe over and over until I finally get it right. Rarely does it turn out right on the first try.

So now the 2 volume set of "Mastering the art of French cooking" is in the mail. I exchanged a Christmas sweater and $20 for those books. I can't wait to get them, and start cooking and baking from them.


  1. Oh I am so excited I got them too!! We have to start a dinner club, who else wants to jump in??

  2. Oh my gosh that is hilarious! I felt the same way after watching that movie!!! So inspirational. Can't wait to get my copy too =)

  3. Watched that movie last week and I too loved it. I can't wait to hear about some of the recipes you try on here!

  4. Man I really wantto come over!

  5. Just recieved the books myself for christmas. I, also was inspired by the movie! I tried my first dishes last night. I hope you have a lot of pots and pans and a lot of people to eat all the food!
