Friday, August 14, 2009

Trash to Treasure

For almost 2 years, a bookshelf left by the previous home owners, sat in Joe's shop. I didn't find out about it until just 2 months ago. When he asked me whether I wanted it, I say yes. Then I continued to do nothing with it. It wasn't until Joe tried to give it away to his cousin, I felt compelled to actually get it in usable condition. See, it was nasty dirty, grimy, ugly, and looked more like trash than a piece of furniture I would like in my house.

A Shelf Makeover
I love this shelf now! It has great lines, a wonderful display shelf for puzzles, and of course I love the color too! Thanks Catherine, for giving me the vision and courage to take on this project.


  1. so funny that KAtie gave you the inspiration because I immediately associated that color with her. Love the bookshelf. I have one that needs a major makeover too. Thanks for sharing.
