Monday, June 15, 2009

Don't throw it out yet

Don't throw your VCR out yet! If you, like me, are one of the few people out there that doesn't believe in paying for TV that you can get for free with an antenna, keep reading. Now that all television stations have switched to digital TV, are you stuck at home, waiting for your show? Are you bummed that you can't record shows, and watch them later? Be bummed no more! You can use that old VCR after all.

All you have to do, it have a converter box for the VCR. See, all that does, is convert the digital signal into analog signal. Voila, your VCR can now understand the incoming signal. Go to the FCC website to get a detailed instruction on how to hook it all up. I am excited that I'll still be able to watch one show, while recording another.

Unfortunately I don't have the converter box yet, so tonight when we have guests over, I will have to miss the Bachelorette. I'll have to watch it later, on the internet, while sitting on my very uncomfortable desk chair.


  1. you should just buy a dvr box they're like a 100 dollars if you get it w/out the cable/dish hookup. Then you can record two programs at the same time and you don't have to worry about taping over something you haven't seen yet. (as you can tell brian has been trying to convince me to get one, but for now we still can't afford one anywho..... I guess you already ordered the converter box and that means you probably don't want to spend extra $ .... but maybe something you can ask for x-mas.

  2. I watch almost everything online. It's highly convenient.

    Love the new blog look :)
