Sunday, May 17, 2009


Whenever one of my chickens get broody, I start leaving some eggs under them. I don't have much faith that chicks will actually be born, so when it does happen, I am always pleasantly surprised. Tonight, Joe found a day-old chick all alone stuck in some netting we have laying next to the chicken coop. How did it get out there? We have no ideaAfter placing the chicks by some other broody hens, who only pecked it, we finally found the momma. The momma hen was in a box that's up high, so we moved her to a box on the floor.  When we moved her, we found another chick under her wing.  The other eggs in her old box also got moved to the box on the floor, and I'm hoping for some more cute chicks by tomorrow!

I am re-reading "Angels and Demons", before seeing the movie. My father in-law lent me a nice hardcover copy, with images. It's fun to see photos of actual locations and artwork references in the book. Reading a book in this house always carries a hazard. Whenever Joe sees a book laying around (that looks interesting to him), he'll snatch it up. He does know that I have rigth to snatch it back any moment, but I do feel (slightly) bad for stealing it back. 

1 comment:

  1. Joe has always been a book thief. I can't wait for that movie, too.
