Monday, March 30, 2009

Veggie Tales

About a month ago, I was determined to brave the dark areas of vegetable gardening again. I only bought cold weather plants. Of course as soon as I bought them, the weather turned horribly windy and cold, so I was only able to get my broccoli, cauliflower, onions, and brussels sprouts planted. We all know what happened to some of my cauliflower plants, but luckily out of 9 planted plants, 5 are alive and thriving. The onions and sprouts are doing good too. The broccoli plants pretty much died overnight. I think either the ground had the wrong nutrient balance, or the plants were still too young to be transplanted.

Unfortunately none of the plants that didn't get planted survived. I had some lettuce and spinach sitting in the shop for a few weeks, just waiting. Then, we went on vacation, so I moved them outside, still in their little seed pots. I'm not sure how long they lasted, but not long. So now I face the dilemma of which plants the try again, and which ones to just give up. I think I'm done with lettuce, especially because when we still lived in Idaho, that was the only vegetable that even when it did grown, it tasted foul.

It's almost time here in Texas to start planting some warm weather plants. I think tomatoes should go in the ground April 1st, and then a month or so later we can start planting squash type seeds.

My main enemy in gardening is still weeds. This year I tried something new, by buying some organic weed control pellets. I THINK it's working, a little bit. I just spread some more where I my plants are. I don't want to waste any though, so I'm not spreading it where I haven't planted anything yet. The only problem with that is, that by the time I am ready to plant, there'll probably be a bunch of weeds there. At that point, I'll have to either rototille again, or go at it with the roundup. Neither solution really strikes my fancy. Any ideas?


  1. Lieve Jessica, misschien heb je hier iets aan.
    Kijk maar es.
    Liefs, auntie B.

  2. We have a huge garden --very time consuming to weed----after I plant and sprouts come up --I MULCH--about 2 inches deep between the rows with barn "stuff" from the goats---then i just have to weed between the plants--And I just do that with a little hoe every other day.
    Then on bigger areas that don't have plants or rows I just cover up with remnants of carpet turned upside down--It's a great way to recycle old carpet that people would otherwise throw away--

    broccoli and spinach always do better here if I put some clean straw around them to keep the really cold night from getting them

    Our garden just melted this week revealing a gopher city--I am trying to figure out how to kill them with out chemicals--

    Kelly put me on to these. They work great for weeding. I can go hit our whole garden after work in about 5 min.

  4. I agree w Will of the hill. Also grass clippings work.

  5. You can also use that black stuff you use under rocks or bark.
    Good luck!
