Saturday, February 7, 2009

Update, and cute surprise

Well, I finally did it! I put the 4th and final coat on my new front door. As soon as it dries, and I have a chance to convince Joe to hang it for me, I'll make sure to post some before and after picture. Until then, enjoy this:As I came back to my computer to blog about the door success, I found this cute cut out paper man on my keyboard. It can only have come from Sterling, because Winter is staying the weekend at grandma's house. When I asked him what it is for he said: "It's a present for Valentine's day". Isn't that sweet?


  1. very sweeeet. (don't know about sweat though!)
    Good job on the door. You really need to put pictures up when it is done!

  2. Way to go-- and that is so sweet :)

  3. Cute! I love that kind of little gifts.

  4. very cute. sounds like Sterling should read _Flat Stanley_

  5. Oh - don't you just love when kids do spontanious kindness.
