Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Riding in the country

The weather has been fantastic today, and I really wanted to get out of the house, so I decided to jump on my bike. The kids and I went on a little ride on Monday when they were home from school, but obviously we that wasn't much of a challenge. The nice thing was that got the trailer down from the shelf, and pumped up my tires, so I was ready to go. Ginger is so good in the trailer. For the most part she just sits quietly and looks around.There aren't really any good loops around here, because all the roads are spread out more, so I decided to ride to my friend Teresa's house and back. Ginger played with Van and Parker, while I watched Teresa plant her garden. Tomorrow night, we're having a relief society night about gardening, so hopefully that will get me all pumped up to get started. After last year's disaster, I haven't been feeling the drive to do a garden again. But, it would be awesome to have some fresh veggies, so this year I'm going to scale it down quite a bit, and try again.

When you first start riding with a trailer, it seems like there's not much of a difference. It's not until you have ridden up 5 steep hills, that the extra 30 pounds really start pulling on you. I figured that I only rode like 7 miles/hour, but hey, that's equals an hour of exercise, so that's good enough for me. Maybe once I get in better shape, I can start adding extra weights to the trailer (okay, maybe not!)


  1. ahhhh! i am so happy for you (and a wee bit jealous)
    The weather has been graet today, I worked in my garage. i even got a pair of capri bike shorts at savers for $3.50 on Mon. I can hardly wait to get going again.
    garden.. yeah there's no way we're ready for that yet. Lucky!!

  2. Just feed Ginger your dozen eggs per day and it'll be the same as packing extra weight into the trailer! (jk)
