Sunday, January 25, 2009

Nyquil on a date

Friday Joe and I had the opportunity to go to the temple. It had been a long time since we last went, and it was great to be back. Winter had a birthday party with her cousin, and Sterling and Ginger got a date night with grandma and grandpa. We joined the Morphises to the temple, as it was their ward temple night. I was amazed at the large group of people who were waiting to do a session,  it might have been as many as 100! The sessions are usually half empty.

Afterwards we went out to dinner. Thanks Mark and Kelly! I think the last time we went out to a nice restaurant was back on our Anniversary (July). We had delicious food, and a great time chatting with Kat and Matt. Oh, I almost forgot the most memorable part of the evening..... 
I had had a cold all week, and my sinuses, nose, and ears were all plugged up. My head was hurting, but I was determined to make it to the temple. I was at Joe's parents' house, and all I could find was Nyquil. I stayed awake, although I was a bit out of it. 

Since our date went kind of late, we decided to spend the night in Plano. Joe took off early Saturday morning, so he could be home when the duck hunters came ($200 easy cash!). The
 kids and I got an easy start, and then went with Liz to the gym. I just totally loved it! As soon as we move closer to town, I am getting a membership for sure (no, we don't have any moving plans) After that, Liz played games with the kids and we all headed to Tom Thumb for a good sale. 

When I got home, I was very happy to find this
I know it might not look like much, but Joe had been working all day on relocating the vanity lights. We want to have 2 separate light fixtures, instead of 1 long Hollywood style fixture. Now that's done, "I can just go in there any time for an hour at a time, and work on the walls" (Joe's exact words) Yippee. We might actually get the bathroom done after 2 years. Oh, by the way, we finished the floor in the breakfast nook a few weeks ago, so that project is almost done too!


  1. How did I not realize you were LDS-- neat!

    Ha, I've taken Benadryl on a date and it works about as well as Nyquil.

  2. Sounds like a fun date night - although I don't know how you could stay awake through Nyquil - it knocks me out. And congrats on the vanity - don't we just love when our husbands do projects!
