Tuesday, January 13, 2009


When you are an avid couponer like me, the worst that can happen is for your coupon folder to go missing. Luckily my big folder with all my coupons isn't missing, but my little black -take to the store- folder is. I know I last had it on Saturday night when Ruth and I went shopping. I vaguely remember seeing it in my purse at the movie theater, and also vaguely remember not seeing it on the way out of the theater.

The folder is not what I care about, it's what's in it. There are gift cards, register rewards, extra care bucks, cash, and rebate receipts. I bet there's at least $50 worth of stuff in there!!! I simply can't loose that. I still have some hope of finding it, by calling the theater. We were the last ones out of the room, and they clean after each showing, right? So supposing that the workers are honest, and put it right into lost and found, I should be able to get it all back. But, at the same time, there's a good chance I got a not so honest worker, and lost all my cash and giftcards.

Update-- I found it! It was at my in-laws house after all.


  1. oh man! Total bummer! I hope you find it - and that it is still full.

  2. I am so glad you found your folder! I could certainly feel your pain.
