Saturday, December 13, 2008

Another party

Today we had another party, this time for our Foster Adoption Agency. We had to get up at the crack of dawn, because the party started at 9am, and we had a 1.5 hour drive ahead of us. Our agency is located in Hurst, which is in between Fort Worth and Dallas. They are hopefully opening up another office in Richardson, which is only 45 minutes from our house. The reason we chose our agency, is that their training was at a convenient time, and a convenient location. Don't get me wrong, I think they are great, but sometimes I wonder if we wouldn't be getting more calls for placements if they were in Collin County. My caseworker told me today that most of their kids come from Dallas, Tarrant, Collin, and Denton County. Only Collin would work for us.....

Being there with a lot of foster parents was bitter sweet. Bitter, because they all had foster kids, and we don't. Sweet because I saw proof that little babies and toddlers do go in the system: there is hope for us. The combination of our location (boonie land), and a new law that says you need a court order signed by a judge before you can remove a child from their home, make it so we have only gotten 1 call in the whole 3.5 months we have been verified. The hardest thing is not to give up, keep up hope, and trust we are doing the right thing by being there, available.

The kids were spoiled rotten with all sorts of yummy foods, a visit from Santa, and even a bunch of presents. Winter got a bike!! and a tamagotchi (electronic pet), and a jewelry bling set. Sterling walked away with 2 bionicles. And Ginger is the proud owner of a new baby doll with her own carrier. Thanks Santa!! 


  1. I know. I can't even touch the floor when I sit on it.

  2. Best of luck with the foster child situation. Glad it was a great time. Those sound like great gifts :)

  3. Also, I am so sorry, I have a bad habit of waiting a while to check comments on older posts. I will definitley be praying for God to bless you with a child to adopt!

  4. Patience is a virtue, you know. It is very hard to wait for something you really want. But in the end, you'll probably see why it was that you were actually blessed by the waiting...
    I don't get why they were giving the kids all those expensive gifts. Whatever happened to a candy cane from santa? Is there a better way to spend that money?
