Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Out the door

I haven't had much bloggy inspiration lately. I don't know if that's because I am just at home, doing my regular thing, or what. I guess whenever other people tell me they just don't know what to write on their blog, I just tell them to write about every day life. So that's what I'll do today, focusing on getting the kids ready for school. Even though it seems so boring to me now (maybe 30 years from now it will be interesting to read)

Today I dragged myself out of bed at 6.20am, after Sterling came into my room to tell me it was time to get up. I always set my own alarm too, but promptly hit the snooze button, because I know I can rely on my little man. I then proceeded to drag Winter out of Bed, pick out her clothes, and head to the kitchen.

I give the kids cereal, slap together some sandwiches, ask them where their lunch boxes are, and clean out the nasty yesterday's cups. I switch the old/not so frozen blue ice, for frozen ice. I try to find a healthy, yet easy snack, and put their lunch boxes together.

Then I look in their folders, and find a gazillion papers that the school sends home with my kids. I can only imagine how much paper they go through every day. I used to just throw most of it away, but now I save any piece that still has a white back, so I can use it to print coupons on. I only keep true art work, no worksheets, coloring pages. Once in a while I'll save a test, so I can document how truly smart my wonderful kids are.

By this time the kids are usually done with breakfast, and I send them into the bathroom to brush their teeth and hair. Then come the socks. For some reason my kids don't consider socks part of an outfit so I have to nag them over and over to actually put them on.

Now I look at the clock. At the beginning of the year, the bus arrived around 6.56 most days. But then there was the occassional day that it came at 6.54am. After the kids missed the bus a few times, I just made it the rule to send them out by 6.48am. But, now that it has gotten darker (it's still pitch black when the bus gets here), and the bus consistently has been coming at 6.57 or later, I take the risk of early arrival missing, and send them out at 6.52am. I know, this is all very precise, but I have to be that way, or else they would miss the bus every day.

As soon as that thing drives away, I asses my tiredness. If I didn't go to bed until after 11pm, I usually jump back in bed, and sleep for another hour or 2. Ginger sometimes joins me, which is nice. The only downside to going back to bed after I got up, is that I feel tired most of the rest of the day. By the time the kids get back at 3.45pm, I usually wonder where the time went.


  1. Ha. I so remember the bus stop finagling thing. Hey, no kid wants to wait any long than necessary! :)

  2. Might seem mundane details now, but you are right about wanting to know the details of your life in 30 years when you have forgotten. This will be a fun post to read when the kids are grown and you no longer have to hurry them to the bus!
