Monday, October 13, 2008

Next on the list

I feel like my to-do lists have kept getting longer, and longer. Every time I check off 1 item, 2 more need to be added. This has been a very busy month. First the vacation, then the wedding, and now I have to try and get ready for my trip to LA. After I get back from that, I should be able to regroup. There are things to sell on ebay, laundry to be done, groceries to shop, photo albums to be made etc.

For some reason the elementary school chose today as their teacher day, so the kids are home all day. This makes it even harder to get organized and get things done. For example, I was going to go grocery shopping today, but I learned my lesson this summer, and won't do that ever again. So instead, the kids helped me clip 2 weeks worth of coupons and now I'll get my bills paid. I will also do other things that aren't influenced by kids, such as laundry. Then, I'll spend some time helping the kids with homework later today, and try to do some planning for the trip.

Since I had kids my brain is kind of mushy. If I have something important to do, and don't write it down, I can totally forget. Even if I think I would never. Or, I'll get all panicky, because I'm sure I'm forgetting something when I'm not. So I make my lists, and Joe gets to make fun of me. I have to admit that sometimes I go a little overboard, but that's better than the alternative!


  1. It's columbus day.
    i'm pretty sure.
    the kids here had about a 4-5 day weekend last week.

  2. those darn lists! they breed in the night like rabbits!
