Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Family portrait

Wow, every time we get family pictures taken, I am so glad we won't have to do THAT for another year! It has been 2 years since we took our family picture, and an email from our foster care agency got me in high gear for getting an updated one. My problem is that I don't want to revert back to Walmart pictures, when I know I can take much better photos. It is a little tricky though to take pictures of yourself.

We drove the truck out into the upper 40, with the couch in the back. We circled around the long way, to make sure none of the grasses that we wanted in the picture would be smashed. Then I set up the tripod in the back of the truck bed, and connected my remote control. The only problem was that the remote only has a 10' cord, so we had to stay sort of close, and we had to make sure you can't see the cord in the photo. (I think for future family photos, I'll have to invest in a cordless remote control) Since we needed some time in between pressing the button and actually being ready for the photo, I had to set my camera to the delayed setting, which makes for a very long "cheese" each time.

I have to say the results were a bit disappointing. Most photos were out of focus. Some were way off-center, and the few that were left after that also had slim pickins. Either one of the kids was picking their nose, holding a stick, looking the other way, or closing their eyes. In the end I only have 2 half-decent photos left. After playing around with photoshop a bit, this is what I came up withNot too bad, but not too good either. At least everyone is smiling, and I think I am bound to have Sterling doing some weird thing for at least the next 3 years. Ah well, maybe next year we'll have better luck. For now, this will have to do, and I'll have to look at it in a picture frame for at least a year.


  1. Great job!! Do you have bridge? Very impressive that you did this yourself. I look forward to the day that I buy a cordless remote. That will be really nice to have.

  2. I think it looks pretty good! I love pics where kids are doing things that kids do. Ginger playing with her toes is very sweet. But what I'm most impressed about is that you convinced your husband to go to all the work of loading up the coach. Nice work!

  3. cute picture. I couldn't even imagine trying to take a family picture of yourselves - how tricky. Cute kids can always make for a cute picture though.

  4. I can hardly wait to get a copy. They are beautiful children as a result of such great genes all around.

  5. I can hardly wait to get a copy. They are beautiful children as a result of such great genes all around.Mom

  6. What are you taking about slim pickings? That pic is priceless!

  7. I love winter's hair cut! very cute.
    That reminds me of someone elses' family picture from last year.... I just can't think who it was ... someone had theirs taken on a couch out in a field.... hmmm :) it is a cool pose. I don't care if you copy us :)
    just kidding about it.
    ginger kinda looks like your sis in that one.

  8. I know, I know... I totally copied your idea!!!! And I didn't even give you credit. shame on me. I did think that was the coolest thing with the couch in the field. Too bad I had to do so much cropping, since the picture was all lobsided (tripod).

  9. Well, that makes me feel better to know that you have a hard time too sometimes!
