Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fun in the Sun

Yesterday we had the opportunity to hang out in Plano with the McGees. Joe had to work in town, so I tagged along and he dropped me off at the Ashurst house, while he had his appointments. The first part of the afternoon was pretty laid back, with nap/quiet time, but around 4pm we went to the nearby splash park to relieve some bottled up energy.
Boys will be boysAfter a few hours:Haley had fun running through the sprinklersWinter and Logan in the sprinkler tunnelJesse loves to explore. Him and Winter went on several walks down the fields.Angela and I sat and watched from the side - in the shade


  1. Looks like a lot of fun! Man I wish there was something like that near us. We'd be there every day!

  2. looks like refreshing fun!!!
    I should take kenzie to one of thos parks here in boise sometime, the problem, she doesn't like water in her face.
