Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Speed test

This is kind of a fun thing I saw on someone's blog
63 words


I didn't learn to type until my second year in college. In Holland they don't teach typing in high school. When I got to BYU, I found that all the jobs I was interested in required typing skills. So I got a typing course from the library and started practicing. Although it was very hard at first, and very tempting to convert back to my old ways, I am so glad I stuck with it.
I remember that for my library job I needed to be able to type 42 words a minutes. I hadn't tested my speed since that, so it's fun to see I'm up to about 63 words/minute now.


  1. I first did 63 and then 69 words per minute.
    I'll need to practice a little more on my English, because for me that's harder then typing Dutch


  2. This was the result of my third and final try:

    " 307 points, so you achieved position 53463 of 585247 on the ranking list

    You type 388 characters per minute
    You have 72 correct words and
    you have 0 wrong words"

    Zo is het wel weer mooi geweest

  3. I got 78 words a minute, but i missed a couple spellings. I find these aren't too accurate: if your really typing, you go back and fix the spelling mistakes, so it'll take longer....
