Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Perfect Saturday

I would dare to say that today was the perfect Saturday, in a family sort of way.
  • The kids had T-ball games
  • I attended my first auction and got some pretty good bargains
  • We all sat around in the chicken run, playing with our new chickens and duck
  • I got a nap
  • Joe and the kids caught fish, which we proceeded to eat for dinner
  • The kids and I made chocolate chip cookies
  • The house is not a total disaster
Now, I do have to make a confession. Today is conference for church, and we didn't listen to any of it. We are so spoiled being able to watch it on TV when we lived in Idaho. Here we have to go to the church building, which is 30 minutes away. **Update** I was feeling guilty about skipping conference, when I realized I can watch it online! So that's what I'm doing right now.
Tomorrow we will go down to Plano and watch it with Earl and have Sunday dinner with him. That should be good times. I printed out the activity packet that Angela suggested, and I am hoping the kids will get something out of it.

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