Sunday, February 24, 2008

too much, yet too little

so the last couple of days there have been multiple small things going on in our lives that I thought about writing down. It seemed however that none really deserved their own blog entry. So as I think back, there are many things missing in my record keeping.

Winter was home from school ALL week, getting better and fighting with Sterling.
Yesterday we built a fence around our garden, but didn't finish burying it.
I painted our dining room wall in a nice yellow/mustard color.
We also had a fun bonfire with hot dogs and 's mores with family and friends.
Today we visited Joe's friend Tyson, and picked up some hay for our longhorns.
Winter and Sterling start T-ball practice this coming week.
Our to do list for our house seems endless, and I didn't get anything done to make it shorter since I was sick.

Lets hope this coming week will be more productive, peaceful, and interesting than last week.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm glad Winter is on the mend. And I love a good yellow color for walls. The bonfire sounds like loads of fun and we wish we could have been there. And how fun to have the kids in T-ball.
    And - I LOVE that we're all into blogging now so that we can keep up so easily on these small, but still noteworthy events in each others lives.
    Here's to a better week than last - with no illnesses!
