Monday, February 11, 2008

My Faith is gone

No, not my religious faith! that is getting stronger, especially teaching Relief Society in church.
My sweet large horse has found a new home. Just in time for our trip to NY too! I think her new owners will ride her a lot more than I did, and give her plenty of love. They live here in Leonard, so if I ever wanted to see her I could drive by their house.

So Joe is on a business trip, and I'm home with a sick kid. Sterling has some kind of stomach flu, and has uncharacteristically been laying around all day. Of course with that comes the extra laundry...... not so fun. I was just at the end of my rope after dinner, so they all went to bed at an early hour (yes, before 7pm) .
When this (joe gone, me home with sick kids, and they are whining all day) happens I have to say: Coosfabraaaa


  1. Uh, but WHY do you say "Coosfabraaaa"?

  2. It's from the movie "Anger Management" with Adam Sandler. Whenever he gets angry he is supposed to say coosfabraaaa to get back in control
