Wednesday, February 6, 2008

How to grow a vegetable garden

This year I decided to try to be more self-sufficient, and grow a garden. We have the land, the water, and the sun to do it, so why not?
I started by ordering a whole bunch of seeds online. Seriously any vegetable you can think of from carrots, peppers, beans, broccoli, cauliflower, and tomatoes, to squash, onion, cucumber, kale and endive. I also got some herbs; basil, thyme, parsley, and chives. I spent like $42, but figured that I'll easily save that much when I don't have buy under-ripened, tasteless veggies from the grocery store. Then I went to Lowes, and bought potting mix, and seed starter trays for a mere $20.
Sterling, Ginger and I went outside and started the planting process. At first they were very excited and helpful, but the excitement quickly wore off, when they realized it wouldn't be done in 5 minutes. Sterling did help me put the bigger seeds in like pumpkin, zucchini, squash and beans.
This is the point where doubt started to fill my mind. "Am I putting enough seeds in each planter?", "are any of these going to sprout?" "what if they all sprout, and start producing.. I would have enough to feed our whole ward" "Did I just over-water them?" "Did I put too much dirt on top of the seeds... after all, it says to put a thin layer of dirt on the top, but then the planters would be half empty" In short, I started d0ubting if an average woman such as me can magically turn a bunch of seeds in to plants, and then into vegetables we can actually eat.


  1. Het ziet er goed uit Jes. Even een vraagje: ik kan niet zo heel goed zien hoe je het nu hebt gedaan, maar ik neem aan dat je ervoor zorgt dat je de naamplaatjes aan de buitenkant van het potje zet en niet op de plek waar het plantje eruit probeert te komen; dan wordt het vechten tegen de bierkaai!
    Tegen de tijd dat wij er zijn kunnen we groenten uit eigen tuin eten. Mmmmmm, lekker!

  2. How fun, though! I bet the kids will love their experiment again once little buds start popping up.
    And, how exciting that those seeds are sitting where there was a pile of wood last time I was there. How are your floors looking?

  3. "I started doubting if an average woman such as me can magically turn a bunch of seeds in to plants, and then into vegetables we can actually eat..." I often feel this way only I say something like:
    "I started doubting if an average woman such as me can magically turn a couple babies in to children, and then into productive citizens."
    It's kind of like adding sleep and cheerios and love and hoping the kids turn out--You added dirt and water and sunlight. Why wouldn't it work? I say, more power to you! You will most certainly have more freshly grown veggies that I will, considering I didn't plant any.

  4. Jenny, I have those doubts about my children too... as I think do all good moms. Anyways, thanks for the confidence, and hopefully I'll be able to post a blog soon with pictures of sprouts

  5. Just don't crowd the seeds or forget water and you'll do fine. I love the photos!

  6. What a fun project. I can't believe those cool planters were so cheap!

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