Monday, December 10, 2007

Home alone

A picture that I just HAD to post

Part of the reason for moving to Texas was that Joe wouldn't have to travel as much. It's been great, because he has been home so much more. However, he still needs to travel about once a month to Chicago. He left earlier today. So now the kids are in bed and the house is totally quiet. ...

not for long... Just as I wrote that I heard some crazy cat noises outside. I checked it out and for a minute was fearful that we had lost another cat. Luckily Pumpkin came out of the bushes, although totally wet. Then after I put them away I saw another big black cat running off. I guess he came to terrorize my poor little kitties.

Sunday in church I was feeling pretty good for a change. They were talking about the importance of journal keeping, and usually this subject gives me guilty squirms. Not now!! I know this blog isn't an official journal, but I figure it's as close to a journal as I'll ever write. Even though I only started a few months ago, I can tell that it'll be fun for myself to read back after a while. I just forget so many details!!


  1. Official? This blog is a beautiful funny perfect journal. Mine is lame because it is so little about my day to day routines and has little about the children. It is more of my escape from reality than it is a description of my reality. You're great!

  2. Great pic of Ginger.

    BTW, I have seen that cat before too - it must hang out around our place a lot. Might be time for a hunting trip...
