Tuesday, November 6, 2007


So, for the last 2 weeks we've had a farm with no animals. Well, we now have our first one. I finally got my cat!! As some of you know, we had a cat when we first got married, that mysteriously disappeared on the way back from Florida. After that I've wanted a new cat, but Joe's not a big fan, so it just hadn't happened. Joe is very opposed to pets in our house (and I am too, ever after this nasty house we had to clean up) so now I have an outside cat. Sterling, Ginger, and I went to pick out a kitten yesterday. We picked a girl cat, and Sterling named her Sunny. She is silver and super cute. I can't believe how small she is. After we got her, Joe wanted me to look at some trucks for him, so I just put her in my purse, which she just loved, and she just went right to sleep in there. As I'm typing this I am feeling a little bad though, because she is all alone at the new house right now. She has the shed as her house, and there is no windows in it, so it's gotta be dark and lonely. Later today I'll go over there, and Joe has been trying to assure me that she'll have a blast in that shed.... Ginger has really taken a liking for Sunny. when we were in the car she screamed the whole time (1 hour) because I wouldn't let her hold it.

1 comment:

  1. Too cute! I think kids like things that are more their size. That is a pretty kitty though. Naomi will be oh so jealous.
