I thought I would do another quick update on the farm, because there has been some changes. Yesterday as I was waiting for Joe to get out of his church meeting, Aubrey Brooks walked in with 2 adorable little kittens. I am a sucker for those cute things! At first I kind of jokingly told them I wanted to take Ariel (the kitty) home. Then, after holding her, I was determined. After all, it has been at least 8 months since our last kittens got adopted! Aubrey told me I could keep it, so we took it home. Yeah! the other cats had some adjusting to do, and neither were very nice at first. They'll get used to each other though, no problem.
So for an animal update:
UpCows: 5
goats: 8
dog: 1
cats: 4
chickens: about 22 - it has been a while since I counted them
ducks: 3
geese: 2
pig: 1
I am loving my garden these days! The weeds aren't growing as fast, the plants are thriving from the heat, and there are even some veggies growing. I now also have a pepper growing! And my watermelon plant has flowers on it. That watermelon grows fast though! It's crazy. I had to move the black plastic over a few feet, so I can guide the shoots that direction. Oh yeah,.... a few days ago, I installed a trellis for the cucumber. See it in the picture? It's already starting to tightly wrap those little fingers around the trellis. The grass that's within the fence, next to the garden was really out of hand (3 feet tall), and with grasshoppers coming into season, I figured I better get rid of it. So I got the push mower out, and got to work. It didn't seem that hot when I first went outside, but man that changed quickly.
Totally non-farm related: I finally decided to take the steps necessary to switch from Pathways to CPS. I am really excited to see if this will actually get us a foster placement! Next week is our first home visit, so now I have to figure out what exactly she will be looking for. Is she just here to meet with us, or will she inspect the house for safety regulations. If that's the case, I better take my prescription drugs off the counter, and put them behind 2 locks!
man, You've been busy! I haven't read your blog for a while. After seeing what you're up to, I'm feeling especially LAZY! The garden looks great, by the way.
2 locks!?! Wow! Strict rules. Good luck with the change. I hope it works out well for you guys.
The garden looks great!
The garden looks great. I now have 7 square feet of garden space after taking over some lawn at the side of the house. I've got little purple string beans and a little bell pepper coming along. My single, volunteer potato looks OK, but it doesn't get direct sunlight with the Mimosa tree coming of age so the harvest will be small. My plum trees are growing like crazy, so I hope yours are too.
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