I can't believe it's been a whole week since I last wrote anything. I have to say that throughout the week I've had great stories that I wanted to post, but simply didn't have the internet to do so with. So now I am really not in the mood for writing, so I'll give you a quick rundown of this week's events. I spent Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to prepare the kitchen and all other cabinets to be painted. Wednesday night we painted them, and they look fantastic. Now I just need to make a quick trip to Ikea to get some great knobs to finish the look. The other developing news is that we went from 2 kittens, to 3 kittens, back to 2 kittens. A girl in our ward, Theresa, gave us number 3 (whose name is brownie). On Thursday she made a fun trip in the hood of the suburban. Apparently she crawled up in the hood right before we left to Winter's Thanksgiving school program. I heard some meowing, but just thought he was in the car with the kids. She rode there 15 minutes into town, sat there for an hour, and rode back the 15 minutes without getting killed. I think her salvation was that she was stuck. Meanwhile, our first cat Sunny got lost. I don't know if she also tried to ride with us and fell off, or if she got all the way there and then jumped off, or if she simply got eaten by a coyote... So now we just have pumpkin (the orange boy cat), and the new cat Brownie.
Today we are going to visit Joe's grandma in the hospital, who unfortunately fell Thursday and broke her hip and has some head trauma. The kids had fun this morning decorating some cards for her. Oh yeah... about the benefit of living here in Dallas..... Last night we came home late from a fancy dinner with the BYU management society. Mom and dad and us all went together, and after we got to their house, we decided that it would make a lot of sense to sleep here. To sum up how nice it is: I just finished my pancake breakfast. I really think I'm going to love it here, especially out at our farm. Our little town of Leonard has great things: a grocery store, for last minute purchases, a library, post office, mexican restaurant, pharmacy, pre-school for Sterling etc. Sterling now goes to preschool 5 days a week from 8-2 pm. It's been quiet at the house.....
Oh... I just remembered... We also got 4 sheep this last week! And Joe got a new truck.
Zo Jessie, wat een verhaal. Je maakt nog es wat mee daar. En dat allemaal in 1 week! Ben benieuwd hoe de keuken enz. er straks uitzien als je ook de goeie knoppen hebt gevonden. Post je een keer foto's als je weer es tijd hebt en ergens gebruik van het internet kunt maken?
Liefs, auntie B.
So now we can sing:
Jessie Ashurst has a farm, ia ia ow!
That song has always been a favorite of yours. I wonder what animal will be next.
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